Wednesday, February 18, 2004

They Don't Eat Meat, But They Sure Like the Bone:

In San Francisco, home of the Castro, the most color-coordinated neighborhood in America, homosexuals can't get married fast enough or in big enough numbers. And the two judges in the cases brought against the City of San Fran have said, weeelll, let's take a looky at this for a few minutes, or days, or months, depending on your judge. So the lines of sodomites continue around the block and the major media can't get enough of the images of kissing gay males and lesbians, celebrating their inclusion in the realm of the soon-to-be two-thirds divorced. Why has no stay been issued? Because the judges here realize one thing: no one is being hurt by the actions continuing. No one. "God" hasn't rained frogs, lava, or goat shit on our heads for this happening. No plagues. No rapture. Nothing. Shut the fuck up, homophobes, and wait in your compounds for the apocalypse.

And not to get all Polyphonic Spree here, but isn't this just a beautiful thing? Isn't this one of the coolest acts of civil disobedience you've seen in quite some time? Because it's such a "fuck you" to the right wing of the country from Democratic Mayor Gavin Newsom. Does it violate the "law"? Well, yeah, but the Let's-Lie-To-Ourselves-That-Straight-Marriage-Is-Perfect law probably violates the constitution of California, which says, "A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws." Now, the Rude Pundit is not a legal expert, but it seems that if yer gonna promise "equal protection," you either mean it or not.

So, for all those who want to support this but feel like it's an inevitability that the marriages will be halted and even annulled, spin it the way the Christian Right spins shit. Just like the Right says that pro-choice supporters are "baby killers," let's say that anyone who wants the weddings to stop and all those performed to be declared null and void believe that government should force people to divorce. Call 'em "marriage killers." What's wrong?, we can say, you want people to divorce? Is that what you're saying?

And as we head down the slobbity-bobbity slope to amending the U.S. Constitution to say . . .well, who the fuck knows, but you can bet it says that marriage is man and woman and let no one say otherwise or we're sending in the troops to squash your queer ass, here's our fearful leader on the subject: "I am watching very carefully, but I am troubled by what I've seen." The ambiguous "troubling" is rather "troubling." Is Bush troubled because it is awakening some latent anxiety in him, that perhaps, long ago, feeling the thrust of power between his legs that was his fighter plane, he realized that the firm control stick felt so good in his hands, that the force of engine and jettisoning of fuel made him feel things that he'd tried oh-so-hard to forget during all those Skull and Bones paddlings back in New Haven? Troubling, indeed.