Friday, February 13, 2004

Defining a Scandal:

Goddamn, sometimes the Rude Pundit loves Paul Krugman so much he wants to offer the Princeton economist and New York Times columnist a blow job. And after today's column, where Krugman tears the living shit out of the veil of "character" that surrounds George W. Bush, the Rude Pundit would be willing to lick Krugman's balls and jam his fingers up his ass to make him cum harder. And then the Rude Pundit would turn around and fuck the living shit out of Maureen Dowd for her column on the hypocrisy and cruelty of the Bush Administration. And then he'd beat the living crap out of David Brooks, just for shits and giggles and, oh, yeah, for this bit of doggerel that projects an actual thought process going on in the President.

And while the Rude Pundit is doing his damndest to pleasure and punish, let's throw out a special firebomb bag of shit at Matt Drudge, that creepy, perverted, fuckfaced stream of ratpiss. Because the tool of the right is at it again, with his "explosive" allegation that John Kerry may have fucked an intern. No details. Nothing. (And there will be no link because Drudge is, as mentioned above, a creepy, perverted, fuckfaced stream of ratpiss.) God, how many male prostitutes did Karl Rove have to tie up and offer to Drudge to get him to print this? Or, perhaps, the more interesting story is "Why is no one running with the story?"

Here's the deal, and it's really quick because the Rude Pundit has work to do: We're sick of it, we the people. We don't give a shit anymore who someone fucked. Because we now see the true face of scandal in the Bush Administration, and it's fucking ugly: it means people get killed on a whim. And no amount of allegations of extramarital fucking will ever balance the ledger against over 500 dead for lies. We know now that the Clinton "scandal" was about power. And that real scandal involves a government that has such contempt for its citizens that it feels they are disposable.

The major media know this: here's the Washington Post on how most people think "the truth was stretched" to justify war. So no one wants to lose viewers. Remember: conservative as the media is, it ultimately serves its own bottom line more than anything else. And Dowd and Krugman, among many, are able to articulate the truth about the savagely dishonest heart of the White House.

As Republicans begin to turn on the Bush Adminstration, somewhere in hell, the scorched soul of Richard Nixon is feeling gratified: "Now maybe those sons-of-bitches up there will have something else to talk about in the future besides Watergate, and my crimes will fade like so many Teapot Domes."