Saturday, November 08, 2003

Republicans Are Pussies, Big Wet Pussies Who Need To Be Fucked:

You know what the worst kind of pussy is? The worst kind of pussy is the pussy who tries to act like he's not a pussy. When a pussy tries to act like a bully, it just reveals how much of a pussy said pussy actually is. And you know what? Republicans in Congress are the worst kind of pussies. Here's another entry in the constant parade of shame:

Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader and cat torturer, has halted the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation of the Bush Administrations criminal behavior pre-Iraq war. That's because someone dug around in the garbage cans outside Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller's office and found the draft of a memo that, simply put, said, "Gee, maybe the Republicans are trying to cover up the lies of the White House and maybe Democrats oughta investigate this themselves." That's it. That simple. Now, Republicans are indignant, puffed up with rage, their saggy balls all atwitter with anticipated evil, and they are, and, no, this is not a joke, demanding that, in order for any investigation to continue, the memo writer must "identify himself or herself . . . disavow this partisan attack in its entirety" and deliver "a personal apology" to Republican Senator Pat Roberts, chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence and White House semen bucket.

So let's see if we can figure this out, kids: Somebody in the White House leaked the name of a CIA undercover operative to the press in order to smear and silence a career diplomat, putting the operative and her contacts abroad in possible life-threatening danger (remember the Plame affair? No? Because you're not supposed to. Your short attention span is the currency of the political right). Not only is there no call for an investigation beyond the obviously partisan Justice Department action, but Republicans don't call for the President to question his own goddamn people and out the leaker. But here, a Democratic staff member suggests ways that Democrats might be able to get at the truth of lies that are killing Americans on a daily basis, and Republicans use this as an excuse to demonstrate to the American people just how much they don't want anything remotely related to the truth to come out.

Why don't we just let the Republicans line up at the National Mall and, one by one, they can jack off on the Constitution and use the Declaration of Independence to wipe their dicks? And, for the Republican women, who ought to have less shame than a porn star at a gang fuck convention, they can roll it up and fuck themselves with it. And they can do this under the watchful eyes of the White House staff, who, smiling like Caligula finding his sister and her horse in his bed, can applaud with each ejaculation that smears the ink away.

Remember: the Republican Party is filled with contempt for the vast majority of the American public. They are pussies, punks who act like they have any honor or decency. Back in the good old days, people who acted with such craven, vile, loathsome shame, upon discovery, would do the honorable thing and kill themselves. Oh, that the chambers of Congress would bleed with all the swords fallen upon.