Tuesday, November 04, 2003

CBS - Craven Bullshit Simpletons:

Let's get this right: The Reagan miniseries is going to suck. No matter how kind or cruel it is to the former President, now gurgling drool fountain, no matter if it shows Reagan ripping the doors off the Kremlin and beating Gorbachev to death wtih them, no matter if it shows him boiling Ryan White alive to sterilize him, it is going to suck. Anyone who watches contemporary TV knows it's going to suck. Anyone who watches TV movies knows it's going to suck, that the chances of it not sucking are minuscule. Anyone who's seen the pictures of James Brolin, Aamco guy, Bab's goy boy toy, in make-up as Reagan knows it's going to suck. But that doesn't stop the Republicans and their censoring lackeys from giving CBS a good ass pounding for believing they could air this inevitable piece of shit without much problem. Nope. After the rallying cries from every rightwing asshole with a microphone (there'd be links to these bags of scum here, but suffice to say that if you want to pollute your computer, just look up Hannity, O'Reilly, Scarborough, and on and on), CBS now says it is considering canceling the whole fucking thing. Or at least sending it down to the showers at Showtime, where it can sit on the fetid shelf with the Bush on 9/11 bullshit biopic.

So that's what it comes down to: CBS is caving to a bunch of nutcases spewing their venomous hate and contempt of the public who are simply coming up with a rallying point distraction to all the bad, awful news coming out of Iraq and the White House. Jesus, if they're so sure it's going to push the public away from the media, why not shut the fuck up and let CBS air it and then jump in and say, "See, look at those bad people." But, no, like the idiots who are jumping all over Mel Gibson's inevevitably shitty faith movie, The Passion , the censors have only seen a script.

Anyone who seeks to stifle speech doesn't trust you. They don't believe you can separate reality from fiction. They hold you in such low opinion, think you are so fucking stupid, that they believe you will just sit there, slack-jawed, glaze-eyed, and filthy, staring at the TV, doing its bidding, not able to manage the slightest bit of resistance to what you're being spoon-fed. Oh, wait. That's true. You are a fucking idiot. You listen to O'Reilly blather on and think Hannity tells you the truth. Fuck you. You deserve what you get.