Friday, July 01, 2016
In Brief: Carpetbagging West Virginia Republican Congressman Skips District's Floods for Egypt Junket
That jolly-looking sumbitch is Congressman Alex Mooney, a Republican from the 2nd District in West Virginia. Here is what one of the counties that elected him in 2014 looked like just last Thursday:
That's from the floods that devastated parts of West Virginia, killing 20 people and wrecking homes, businesses, roads, the usual shit that floods wreck. Up there is Elkview, in Kanawha County, in the 2nd District, one of the worst-hit areas.
We know that Congressman Mooney was in Washington, D.C., which isn't very far from West Virginia, on Wednesday. We know that on Saturday he started the first meetings of a 3-day trip to Egypt he took with other members of the House of Representatives. As mentioned before, we know the flooding was obviously terrible pretty quickly on Thursday. Which, by the Rude Pundit's magical ability to look at a calendar, is before Saturday or even Friday, if that's when Mooney flew out.
Mooney's office isn't saying if he left before the floods started, which likely means that he didn't. And we know that whether or not Mooney showed up to check out the water and mud damage is more show than anything else. But half of politics is the show. Every other member of the West Virginia congressional delegation whose areas were affected went home to offer comfort and aid. Not Mooney, though. He was dining in luxury in Cairo, probably getting a goddamn camel ride around the pyramids and a blow job from a belly dancer or whatever happens in Egypt.
The added twist here is that Mooney ain't from West Virgina. He moved there in 2014 just so he could run for office as the craziest conservative whore in the brothel. Yeah, he had run for office in two other states and he hadn't paid property taxes or voted in West Virginia until his May 2014 primary. So more than a few people see him as a carpetbagger, especially since he was anti-coal industry until he decided to trick the rubes. Now, there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of residency laws to run for office. Them's the rules, you know?
But at least pretend like you give a wet rat shit about your constituents, even if it means telling the Sphinx you'll check her later.