Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Twelve Years of Pithy Comments and Drunken Rage Rants: The Rude Pundit's Biennial Fundraising-Palooza

Next Tuesday marks a dozen years of the Rude Pundit mucking up your weekdays with hellish visions of various orifices being abused by various implements, all in the name of trying to express our degraded political discourse with even more degradation. And, mostly, except for a book, an audio thing, and a show or two, it's all been free, gloriously free.

So every once in a while, generally every two years, the Rude Pundit asks for a little love in the form of donations through PayPal. He's angling for enough cash to buy a new computer, restock the whiskey shelf, and, for fans of The Stephanie Miller Show, a plane ticket from the moist NYC area to dry-ass Los Angeles so he can take part in her weekly Happy Hour podcast.

Mostly, though, donate below or on the side because, hell, you feel like this here bloggy thing should occasionally be supported. No, it ain't more important than food or refugee relief. But the Rude Pundit would like to think it's worth more than some asshole who won't bake a cake for a same sex couple.

Great, huge thanks to the dozens of people who have donated in amounts from single to triple digits. Frankly, it's been pretty damn inspiring.

Feel free to ask any questions of the Rude Pundit, things that have been burning a hole in your brain. You can email them to "rudepundit(at)yahoo(dot)com."

Here's one that several of you sent  (that gets asked every fundraising time): "Why does the Rude Pundit not allow comments on the blog?"

The short answer, well, the only answer is "You've read comment threads. How many of them have actually improved your mental health? If you want to anonymously call me a 'Jew fag' and threaten to rape my entire family going back several generations, you've got Twitter. You can also join the rude conversation at Facebook, where there's a good chance you'll have to put your name and face on the line. Also, there's a lot of love on the Facebook page, too, a shocking amount."