Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oh, Oklahoma, You're So Fucking Not Okay

By now you've seen this photo making it easier to figure out which Oklahomans got dropped on their heads when they were babies:

That's a group of Confederate flag-wielding fucknuts amid another group of loyal Americans who are greeting President Obama as he arrives at his hotel in Oklahoma City. The aforementioned brain-damaged fucknuts insist that their flag of a degraded, defeated nation based on slavery is not racist at all. They'll tell you that the protest was, in fact, organized by a black man. Congratulations. That just means stupid isn't racist, not that racists aren't stupid.

But let's focus in for a moment on this white child standing next to a woman holding a flag:

Now, that child may be there with someone else who has nothing to do with the rebel flag and is excited to see Obama. But, just in case the child's mother or father or other relative is there getting the child to hate on the Negro president, let the Rude Pundit say this to her (?): "Dear child, your parents are terrible human beings who want to see black people chained up, in servitude, and able to be beaten and raped at will. When you are older, you will despise your parents for having brought you here. Or you will have grown up into a terrible human being. If it's the first, then burn your parents' dumb flags, maybe even in front of them. You should probably hide all the guns first."

And now let's look at these two African Americans in the crowd, which had many black people in it to welcome President Obama. This man...

...was standing in the middle of the flags, trying to ignore the insanity around him and catch a glimpse of the arriving limo. Meanwhile, this woman...

...was staring at the flag bearers as if to ask, "What the fuck?" What the fuck, indeed.

The Rude Pundit loves these two people because when they were confronted by a racial hatefulness that was literally in their faces, they turned the other cheek and awaited the President of the United States, a black person himself, spurning the dead hopes of a dead nation worshiped by fools.