Monday, June 08, 2015

Senator John Thune: "I Am a Total Twat"

Here's what GOP Senator John Thune of the state of South Dakota, whose entire population couldn't fill Brooklyn, tweeted on the Twitter today:

The six million people (generally a number of people you want to avoid saying is going to have something bad happen to) Thune is talking about are the Americans who have gotten insurance through the federal health insurance exchanges because their states are run by GOP cockknobs. They would have their subsidies and, thus, their insurance taken away if the Supreme Court decides a single sentence in the Affordable Care Act nullifies many other sentences and lives. Oh, and it was conservatives who came up with this fuckery as a Hail Mary pass to shitcan Obamacare. 

By the way, that 6 mill includes thousands of South Dakotans. 19,000 just this year, 88% of whom get subsidies on the federal exchange. 

Some fine representation you're electing, South Dakota.