Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Time to Build a Fence Around Texas

Now that the first Ebola case in the United States has been diagnosed, we know that the infection of the entire nation is imminent. Because of this very real possibility, it is time to build a fence around the entirety of Texas, all 3029 miles, in order to keep the rest of the country safe from diseased Texans.

This task will not be easy, especially since we know that it will be necessary for the fence to be double-layered and electrified. While its construction is happening, the nation will need to provide for thousands of armed border patrols and surveillance including helicopters, drones, and cameras. We have to be prepared for any circumstance in a crisis situation. If necessary, the border patrol must be allowed to shoot to kill any illegal Texans who crosses the fence into non-Texas territory. We are talking about the possibility of a plague that could end civilization as we know it. In this fight against sick Texans, no measure is too extreme. Quarantine is rational; doing nothing is not an option.

To support the work of the officers, the National Guard, if not the rest of the military, should be deployed to assure that Texans stay in Texas. Troops already located in Texas will guard the border and, eventually, the fence from the inside. Containment demands tough choices and sacrifices, but our brave men and women in uniform are up for the challenge.

The nation will understand that this is a difficult decision, but preemptive action against Ebola is the only way to assure that the threat doesn't spread. The risk of Texans spreading deadly illness is too high. Yes, families will be separated, businesses will be affected (although we'll construct pipelines to keep the oil flowing), but it is only temporary. Once we are sure that Texas is free of Ebola, we can slowly begin to allow a few Texans at a time to leave through rigorously monitored border crossings. We will, however, need to collect fingerprints, DNA, and other biometrics to keep track of Texans.

Some Americans may fault this strategy for being too draconian. However, should one Ebola-carrying Texan walk into the middle of Times Square or the National Mall and sneeze, Americans will wonder why we didn't do more to stop Texas.