Friday, July 13, 2012

When Do We Stop Talking About Climate Change as a Theory?:
This is what Morse Reservoir in Noblesville, Indiana, just north of Indianapolis, looks like right now:

This is what it's supposed to look like:

The drought afflicting the United States has caused 1000 counties in 26 states to be declared disaster areas, including 55 of Indiana's 92 counties. It's a water emergency there, with sprinklers not allowed for watering and warnings of grass fires.

The corn crop is screwed. Hay bales are spontaneously combusting. No rain is expected for the next week, at least.

Rational meteorologists understand that this is the new normal. A rational nation, a rational world might actually do something about it.

By the way, at least President Obama's campaign website says he wants to do something about the climate change and the environment. Mitt Romney offers that he "will make every effort to safeguard the environment, but he will be mindful at every step of also protecting the jobs of American workers." Which probably doesn't mean "saving the earth so that there's a place where Americans can work."