Friday, December 31, 2010

End of Year Haiku 2010 (Part 3: The Readers Write):
So a hundred plus haiku submissions to go through, the most of any year. Thanks to everyone who sent in a poem or two. If yours didn't make it below, be assured that it was read with appreciation and consideration. And then it was deleted.

Now, on New Year's Eve, rude readers provide you with laughter, tears, and genital excitement:

From Paul H.:
Boehner’s Boner
Obamacare’s a
Pre-existing condition
For John’s erection

From Dennis N.:
Wingnuts balls ablaze
find justice for all to be

Sarah Palin's sneering lips and glasses of Republican doom inspired a good third or more of the entries:

From Doreen K. of Hawaii:
Sarah Palin is
an anagram for a "plain
rash," don'tcha know, eh?

From Allanp...:
The proud beast stands tall.
Palin holds him in her sight.
Death and cold high fives.

From Kevin McV.:
Palin Of The North

Frontier woman brave!
How empow'ring it must feel
To kill Bullwinkle.

From Phil K.:
To be a Fox news anchor?
A skull full of shit!

From Nate O.:
George W. Bush
Decision Points lies:
The wrong fetus in the jar!
America grieves.

From Sol:
Wikileaks gushing
No blood spilled on its account
Secrets to surmount

From Iris K. (who's still reading after all these years):
Assange, pale Aussie,
pulls down pants of Uncle Sam.
Rotten parts showing.

Wikileaks haiku based on the documents are available from Haikuleaks. (Tip o' the rude hat to Patrick P.)

From Jim L.:
Sunshine pouring down
Nature's abundance provides
So we drill baby

From Lana H. in New Orleans:
Boom, sand berms, skimmers
Dispersant flavored seafood
Oiled beach and marsh

And, of course, our state of economic fuckedness inspired many a gentle poet like the Lake District did Wordsworth and balling drunk whores did Bukowski:

From Julia V.:
Load up on ammo.
That’s social security,
bitches. Oh, and beans.

From BAB in Los Angeles:
Giant Vampire Squid Seeks Forgiveness

Goldman Sachs wants love,
They can start by returning
Wall Street bonuses

From John J.S.:
Healthy, Hunger Free Kids
Paying for school lunch
By cutting back on food stamps
Go, Centrism, go

From ILUVH...:
Mother's Unemployment Lament

No food for my kids.
Maybe I could sell my blood.
How much for kidneys?

From Rabbitearz in California:
Blowing Chunks
Nothing to do but
write Rude P haikus; being
out of work sucks eggs!

Let's ring this shit to a close with just a moment of defiance:
From Dave N.:
Give It Up
Fuck all the birthers,
Teabaggers and born agains.
It's our country too.