Sunday, June 06, 2010

Back to Bonnaroo and More:
The Rude Pundit will be teaching guerrilla theatre again this year as part of the Academy at the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, Tennessee. If you're there, stoned, muddy, and/or naked (or not), come by and say a hearty "Nice to fuckin' meet ya" or take the damn class. So he's on his way to Red State America once again.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed money so far to the new NYC Fringe Festival play, Heterosexuals. If you're still interested, you can toss some coin into the hat right here:

Donate $50 and get a free ticket for you or give it to a friend who lives in the Big Baked Apple.

By the way, heading to Bonnaroo means a new Rude at Bonnaroo tale. This one will be called, ominously and predictably, "Day of the Roo."