Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Stupid Fucking Republicans (Professor George Edition):
So here's how Dr. George Rekers, prominent anti-gay activist, professor of psych at the University of South Carolina, and founding member of the Family Research Council (motto: "George Rekers? We don't know any George Rekers"), apparently wants us to think it all went down:

Having just had surgery, perhaps as a result of a kneeling accident, and needing to take a ten-day trip to Europe, Rekers required help lifting things and decided to hire someone. And then it was all a big misunderstanding as he thought, "Hmm, what's the name of that agency...Manpower? Rent-a-man? Oh, yes, it must be Rentboy. That's the one." Rekers then went to the website, which confirmed that these were indeed strong, muscular young men ready to be employed, and, huh, they sure are proud of their hair, since they mention whether or not it's cut or uncut.

Like some crazy comedy of errors, it was just misunderstanding after misunderstanding. Rekers first email probably said something like, "I've got lots of baggage. Can you help me with that?" Thus Dr. George Rekers, who doesn't believe gay people should adopt or marry or be gay, ended up spending over a week alone with a hot, ripped stud named "Geo" from a gay male escort site named after a term for gay male hookers. Apparently, one of the qualifications to carry the luggage of George Rekers is to be, as Geo's Rentboy profile says, "HIV and Disease FREE."

But, lest you think there was any hanky-panky in the spanky or slobbity-bobbity, Rekers has assured everyone that once he found out his helpmate was a homosexual, he played the good Christian and ministered to Geo, whose specialties include "Vanilla, Leather, Anal, Oral, Shaving, Spanking, Role Playing, Kissing, Toys, Feet." As Rekers told the blog Joe.My.God, "I spent a great deal of time sharing scientific information on the desirability of abandoning homosexual intercourse, and I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him in great detail." And it's easy to make sure that someone's listening when he's sucking your cock.

See, Rekers believes that many gay men suffer from "Gender Identity Disorder," making them into "sissies," and it can be brought on by many factors, like having gay Boy Scout leaders. He told the Human Rights Commission in D.C., according to the Washington Post on August 2, 1998:

"Allowing openly gay men to be scoutmasters, he testified, 'would legitimize the value of homosexual behavior in the eyes of many of the Boy Scouts . . . There would be more homosexual conduct or behavior by the boys in such troops.' And some of them could be setting off down the road toward a homosexual adulthood, he said. Whatever biological component there is to having homosexual urges, homosexual behavior is a 'preference,' not an 'orientation,' he said -- in short, a matter of choice. It's a choice Rekers clearly considers deeply wrong: As a Southern Baptist, he told the commission, he believes that God destroyed the city of Sodom for allowing homosexuality, as an example to mankind, and that active homosexuals face 'eternal separation from God' -- in Southern Baptist parlance, the fires of hell."

Oh, God is now far, far away from George Rekers. But "oh, God" would seem to be his repeated mantra.