Thursday, September 03, 2009

In the Realm of "You Have to Be Fucking Kidding": Obama's School Speech Makes Conservatives Cry:
Twenty years ago, in his first year as President, George Bush the Smarter gave a speech broadcast live to schools around the nation. The September 12, 1989, talk was done with less than a day's advanced warning, but a good many schools stopped everything to put televisions into classrooms and hold assemblies to watch. In the speech, Bush sought to scare the living fuck out of kids about drugs. After telling the story of a cop who was blown away at point blank range, killed on the orders of a drug kingpin, cold and calculated," Bush offered, "[O]ut on the street a nightmare for America is happening, every day, every night. Somewhere a teenaged girl who ought to be in school is giving birth to a baby already addicted to cocaine, and that baby is coming into this world shaking and twitching from withdrawal, so sensitive to the touch that it can't be held or fed properly." He informed the now-terrified students that "Saying no won't make you a nerd," asked them to narc on friends, quoted Michael Jordan, and concluded with "Have a good year."

The backdrop of the speech was that Bush was trying to get Congress to pass a tough and useless anti-drug program that included lots more prisons, prosecutors and other things that don't really work. Democrats wanted to add more drug treatment and prevention measures to the bill. Bush had already spoken to the nation on September 5 about drugs, even getting the DEA to set up a crack sting near the White House just for a visual and a story in that address.

So, in other words, in 1989, President Bush spoke to students with the blatantly political goal of getting his harsh new drug laws passed in order to demonstrate, again, how tough he was. And the outrage from the left? Well, some of the kids thought the whole thing was worthless and/or bullshit. Some liked it. Otherwise, not a damn peep from anyone, not even on the good liberal McNeil/Lehrer Newshour.

And why was there no outcry of indoctrination to conservative causes, no uproar about inflicting such unpleasant thoughts on the precious children, no kerfuffle over whether or not the students were forced to watch it? Because there wasn't. Because he was the President. And if the President of the United States wants to make some little statement to students, then he gets to fucking do it. And, really, unless he's got spinning hyno-eyes telling them to kill their hippie grandparents, who the fuck cares? There was more important shit to do then, like debating whether or not there should be a flag-burning amendment. (God, the 80s sucked.)

Nutzoids on the right are upset not only that President Barack Obama is going to make some innocuous "study hard" speech next week. They've especially got wedgies over the teaching materials accompanying the speech, which ask students to do an assignment in response to the speech about how they can be good students. The post-speech suggestions used to ask students to write about "how they can help the President" by achieving the education goals he talks about. That's been changed to eliminate reference to the President because of the inability of conservatives to make logical connections between thoughts. These are supplements to the speech. Students are not commanded to do them by the White House. The Rude Pundit remembers often being asked to write letters to various presidents about various issues as school assignments based on materials sent to the school by various departments. It's pretty much the way it goes when you want your nation's kids to be an engaged, thinking group of citizens who think that their participation in government matters.

But for the some on the right, this is just like Maoist indoctrination camps except with less rice. Biled Michelle Malkin on Sean Hannity's Fox "news" show, "[T]his is not a merely a morale-boosting speech that he's giving. He's giving it in the context of his Obamacare plan completely under siege. We know the left has always used kids in public schools as guinea pigs and as junior lobbyists for their social liberal agenda." Which, of course, gave the cuntish she-beast a chance to say "Bill Ayers" again. Hannity actually sodomized himself with a Saul Alinsky dildo at the mention.

Some abusive parents have decided that their blind ideology is more important than exposing their children to ideas not approved by Rush Limbaugh and are actually preventing them from watching the speech. Because why? They're afraid Obama will seem like a nice guy when he doesn't have a Hitler mustache?

Oh, sweet, stupid motherfuckers who shouldn't have been allowed to breed, like it or not, when someone is the President, that person is the President of all of us. So, sorry, conservatives madly craning your necks to lick your own taints over Obama's speech, he's your President, too. The only way he's not your President is if you leave the country. On the left, we lived with that knowledge for 8 years. You're not even up to ten months. A little advice here: let this one go.

Or maybe we should put a positive spin on the ignorance on display here. Maybe this actually accomplishes Bill Ayers' goals in education moreso than sitting and watching the speech. Indeed, maybe what the parents are teaching their kids is to question authority. So, in that context, dear, dumb assholes, good luck with that when your kids become teenagers.