Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fifth Anniversary Reader Shakedown Spectacular, Day 3:
Oh, sweet readers, the economy may be teetering on the edge of a cliff like Wile E. Coyote awaiting his puffy doom on the desert floor far below, but your generosity to the Rude Pundit is sky high. He's feelin' the love like a young stud who finds an old queen to take care of him. And don't worry. The Rude Pundit gives reacharounds.

This being the end of five years of rude punditry, this ancient blog is having a fundraiser, with money going to equipment, books, internet connectivity, and tequila, lots of tequila. Donations big and small have come in, but let's keep this party going until Monday, the real and actual date of rude origin. Give out of love and desire, and give out of hate and vengeance. Press that Paypal button on the side or right here:

The Rude Pundit is also taking questions from readers, some of which he'll answer this afternoon. And he's kicking the podcasting into gear.

So here's today's audio funspot: the Rude Pundit talks to New York Times writer David Carr about the first day of the RNC. It's a couple of weeks old at this point, but somehow, Carr's remarks have become true again: