Thursday, December 29, 2005

End of the Year Haiku, Part 1:
Everyone is overflowing with words about how awful, fucked up, godforsaken, and criminal this horrid year has been for so, so many people, except, of course, for the inevitable silver-lining finders and the deluded conservatives ranting, "heyyoufuckinliberalsitwasnotasbadasyousayitwas." The Rude Pundit prefers the sublime brevity of the haiku. So today and tomorrow, let's remember 2005 in simple lines of five, seven, and five syllables:

Prison Family Values
Scooter's worth two cigs;
Karl Rove will go for a pack.
Cheney? A carton.

Regarding Terri
Schiavo was like dead.
Congress should be placed in a
Vegetative state.

A Difficult Question
What is worse torture?
A Scott McClellan press meet
Or waterboarding?

A ballot box is
Not big enough to hold all
The bloody bodies.

Later today: Bush haiku
Tomorrow: disaster haiku
Monday: the Rude Pundit from New Orleans (in essay form)