Friday, July 16, 2004

And Don't Get Him Started On the Niggers:

Oh, the many slights one must endure as President of the United States.  The slings and arrows one must dodge.    Sure, sure, if it's from a really, really popular member of your own party, like say, John McCain, who put the smackdown on the "We Hate Fags" amendment, which Bush "supported," well, we can all rise above politics, can we not?  But if it's the niggers, well, that's another story.


Showing once again that if you have no power and you don't kiss his white ass, George W. Bush will have nothing to do with you. The President, who ostensibly leads all the people of this nation, including those who didn't vote for him, at first lied about why he couldn't speak at the NAACP convention this week, citing scheduling conflicts.  Then, in one of those moments that must give Karl Rove major wood, Bush said, "I would describe my relationship with the current leadership as basically non-existent . . . You've heard the rhetoric and the names they've called me."


Yep, the niggers only gave Bush 9% of the vote in 2000, the Clarence Thomas factor, if you will.   And then the niggers were insultin' to Bush, accusing Republicans, who have opposed affirmative action, destroyed the public education system, slashed programs for urban youth, approved judges who seek to wreck civil rights, and supported myriad more destructive policies, of being racist.  Oh, and let's not forget Brother Jeb's disenfranchisement of thousands of African Americans back in the day.  Racist?  Go figure.  Bush has got Condi and Colin.  Ain't that enough for the niggers?  (Here's the rumor to start for the day: during the sequences of Fahrenheit 9/11 where Powell and Rice are being made up for the camera, doesn't it seem that Rice is having her skin color lightened?  Just an observation . . .)


Yeah, it's a shame when the niggers insult you.  You don't need to come down from your White House to deign to get the soles of your shoes dirty on the same ground we all walk on.  Now, imagine if you will what would happen if African Americans had decided that they shouldn't talk to everyone who has insulted them.  Yeah, man, dialogue is a two-way street.  Unless it's the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.