Saturday, April 10, 2004

Alright, One or Two Quick Observations Here:

One - If the John Kerry campaign doesn't jump on this Washington Post story on how Bush has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation, then they're idiots. How about this ad: George Bush, Part-Time President? Or, taking a cue from the Center for American Progress, point out how, with troops dying an awful clip in Iraq, Bush decided it was time for Spring Break (for chrissake, he really is going fishing and shit).

Or two - How come on everything having to do with science, like, say, global warming and the failure of abstinence only programs, the Bush Administration says they need more study and that things are inconclusive? And, yet, as we know, in Iraq, too much time for things like, oh, say, inspections, which is kind of like scientific research, was bad and we could just leap to some conclusions? What was a worse threat to America a year ago - Iraq or the weather?