Friday, December 30, 2016

Haiku Review of 2016, Part 2: The Haikuening

Okay, fuck, enough. No more. I've read a couple of hundred three-line poems, some great, some gross, some good, some bad. Thanks to everyone who was bored enough to write a few for the annual review, a tradition in these here parts for a number of years. If you didn't get selected, it's probably because of Russia.

Here we go:

From Gummo in Brooklyn:

Just fuck Donald Trump
Fuck Donald Trump’s wife, kids and
Fuck Donald Trump’s hair

From Rabbitearz in Los Angeles:

Kellyanne Conway
Lies through her shark teeth, telling
Trump his dick is huge.

From Seattle Steamer:

American Poors
Fisted like Melania
Thank Fuck it's tiny

From Sarah, the middle school teacher:

November 8th? No.
It was over when Bundys
were all acquitted.

From Doug in Oakland:

I dreamed Trump had been
Buggered to death by a sheep
Sadly, I awoke

From Big Digits in Fort Wayne, IN:

Putin's pussy said
Please pillory Hillary
Hack democracy

From Peggy in Wisconsin:

Rubes seeking revenge
Oblivious to the con
Pick their own pockets

From Queen Tut in the San Fernando Valley:

Where veterans blow
   and curse the black man’s healthcare,
Theirs soon privatized.

From Tom in Tucson:

Repeal and replace,
Twenty million jeopardized?
That is the question.

From Michelle K. in Riverview, FL:

What do I tell them?
My two sons see the bully
Become our leader

From Philimus in Fairfax County, VA:

Do Black Lives Matter
With Barack’s legacy in
Ruins around us?

From the Weeping Willow:

"Black man had a gun,"
Cops said after fatal shots.
Videos don't lie.

From Auntie Social:

Not far from my home
Children gassed in Aleppo
As I watch cat vids

From Nancy G. in Olympia, WA:

True horror story:
atmospheric carbon now
past the tipping point.

From Steve H. in Liberty:

Ground Control waits, sad
As old phonograph needles,
For another song…

From Joe C.:

Muhammad Ali
Floated like a butterfly
Stung WASPs like a bee

From Ms. L.B. in NYC:

Many died young, and
Scalia kicked the bucket.
Let's call it a draw.

From Newscaster in Chevy Chase, MD:

All the dead celebs,
Prince, Ali, Fisher, Bowie.
Why not Dick Cheney?

One last one from me:

Bye, 2016.
You sucked balls, but, fuck, here comes