Monday, April 11, 2016

Photos That Make the Rude Pundit Want to Down a Jug of Baijiu

Look at that picture. It's lovely, isn't it? Look at that child holding forth a white rose, amid thousands of people in Taipei, Taiwan. Surely, this is a call for peace and understanding. Perhaps a plea to mainland China to calmly solve the dispute over the South China Sea. Oh, little one, we can only hope for your sake...wait...what's that? Oh. Shit.

Yeah, that's a fucking pro-death penalty rally there. The rose-sporting people want the Taiwanese government to stone cold murder motherfuckers because of a nationwide bloodlust stirred up over the admittedly horrific murder of a child. They are supporting capital punishment because of some talk of abolishing it, to which that little boy is saying, "Oh, fuck, no. You gotta kill some bitches."

In case you were wondering whether other countries could be as barbaric as we are in the United States, here's one parent: "Taiwan is not safe, so death sentences are needed to deter crimes and they should be carried out. I hope this will make our society safer for all children." Over 83% of Taiwan's citizens oppose getting rid of the death penalty. Amnesty International has said that the government there has carried out multiple executions in order to quell the people's thirst for vengeance.

Hey, it's good to know that other countries not only support state-sponsored killing of citizens, but get their children involved, too. They can learn, like the United States has, that you can execute innocent people and no one will give a shit because the illusion of safety is more important than the reality of brutality. A nation that says violence can solve its problems is a nation damned to endless violence. Enjoy the party, kids.