Thursday, May 28, 2009

In Brief: Sotomayor in 1997: Another Quote to Contradict the Right:
Sigh. This is just gonna keep going, innit? Let's toss another tidbit onto the barbecue.

Under questioning from Senator Strom Thurmond about federal sentencing guidelines during her September 30, 1997 confirmation hearing on her nomination to the Sixth Circuit Court, here is what Judge Sonia Sotomayor said: "Thus far, sir, in the vast majority of cases I have found the guidelines to be very helpful in giving some comfort to me, as a judge, that I am not arbitrarily imposing sentences based on my personal feelings. I believe that congressional sentiment, as reflected in the guidelines, is important, because it permits me, not to impose my personal views, but to let the democracy impose the society's views."

As Glenn Greenwald says, while one quote does not say everything about a nominee, surely all quotes should be considered equally.