Friday, September 21, 2007

You Opened Yer Wallets and You Gave the Cold, Hard Love:
Yeah, that was good. You need a cigarette?

The Rude Pundit's fundraiser has been a sheet-burning success. In less than five days, nearly a hundred and fifty people, from as far away as Singapore, from as close as down the road, donated in amounts big and small to blow past the Rude Pundit's goal. And for that, he thanks you (but don't get all smart-ass about it).

So since you ate your meat, there will be pudding. In the first week of October, just in time for the release of her new book, the Rude Pundit will YouTube his anti-Ann Coulter video from his performance in Calgary at the One Yellow Rabbit theatre. It's all new, never-blogged rudeness. Then, shortly after, he'll start the podcasting, to be available from yer iTunes and elsewhere.

If you wanna donate now, hey, that's cool. Click on the side there.

To continue with the food imagery here, it's gravy - a better microphone, a bottle of Ciroc to keep on ice, the ability to pay off a few debts to the Vietnamese mob, that kind of stuff.