Friday, May 25, 2007

The Rude Pundit To Teach at Bonnaroo:
So, like, the Rude Pundit will be teaching activist theatre classes each morning of the big ass Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee, June 15-17. Crazed, ecstasy-ridden, dehydrated hippies will gather at 10:30 to put together a performance that'll be done at 12:30 each day, before the music gets under way.

His co-teacher will be Mark H. Creter, who directed both Rude Pundit shows.

Still awaiting word on whether or not the Rude Pundit will do his own show. He'll post as soon as he knows.

If any rude readers are gonna be there, give a heads up. Perhaps we'll shoot tequila to the Black Keys or the White Stripes.