Friday, December 02, 2005

Radio Rudeness:
The Rude Pundit will appear on Ann Arbor's Talk Radio 1600 WAAM tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. EST. He'll be speaking with host Lex Kuhne, who's subbing for the usual host of The Brian Farrar Show.

The Rude Pundit will be talking about rude shit, as well as his upcoming CD, The Year of Living Rudely, which will be released next week. (More on that Monday.) Internet listening is encouraged - and if you live in the Ann Arbor area, give a call.

Hey, radio and press-y types, the Rude Pundit is available for interviews to promote the CD and talk about the depraved evil that leads this festive nation. Zap him an e-mail that's not about Paris and Nicole to: