Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Computers, Sexual Preferences, and Bears, Oh, My:
This week, in honor of the start of his third year of bloggery, the Rude Pundit is your question-answering monkey. Today: more questions, all over the fuckin' place:

Steve asks, "Are you a homo?" The Rude Pundit welcomes orgasmic ecstasy in all its consenting-adult flavors. To believe otherwise in this cold world is to spend far too many summer nights, rainy days, and snowy mornings alone, enlarged, and weeping.

CAG wants to know, "Mac or PC?" The Rude Pundit welcomes computeristic ecstasy in all its available platforms. To believe otherwise in this cold world is to spend far too many summer nights, rainy days, and snowy mornings alone, unblogged, and weeping.

Jay would like to know, "Does the Rude family know that you write this blog?" Considering the years of psychological damage they've provided, as well as continuing stories of and free access to Red State America, the Rude family is well-informed and are, indeed, loyal readers who hope that Karl Rove knows how to take a "joke." When the Rude mom asked once, "Did you have to write about Dick Cheney going down on Lynne's enlarged clitoris?" the Rude Pundit could only say, "Yes, yes, I did."

The Rude Pundit has received many, many requests for his one-man show, The Rude Pundit in the Year of Living Rudely, to go to Washington, D.C., Miami, Houston, Phoenix, Cleveland, Memphis, London, Strangely-Named Australian City #472, and more. As the Rude Pundit does not have a theatrical booking agent, anyone who'd like the show to visit their burg needs to put the Rude Pundit in touch with a possible hosting theatre. For the time being, that is. There's some plans afoot that may be the start of a Rude in the USA tour. As he's said before, let the rudeness soar like it's never soared before.

Tomorrow: Spanking Joe Lieberman and more requests.