Friday, July 23, 2004

Welcome to the Party, Bitches:

Goddamn and holy shit, the Rude Pundit wants to fuck the Bush twins.  He wants a Jenna and Babs sandwich.  He wants Babs sittin' on his face while Jenna bobs on his crank.  He wants to fuck them hard.  He wants to fuck them ugly.  He loves that their names sound like porno names without even playing the porno name game.  The Rude Pundit just gets hotter about the Bush twins now that they're out on the campaign trail , talking up the policies of their father, offering heartwarming stories of what a "good" Dad he is, smiling, smiling like a couple of twenty dollar a fuck hookers who just love their pimp 'cause he treats them soooo much better than other pimps treat their whores.  

Oh, Jesus, the Rude Pundit just wants to jack off in the twins' faces as they tell him all about Daddy's policies, all the fuckin' talkin' points, about Daddy's desire to destroy Roe v. Wade (but you can bet that if little Jenna gets knocked up by the Rude Pundit, legal or not, Jenna's gettin' an abortion), his manipulation of science in order to keep contraceptives off the market, his deep wish to keep women enslaved by wrecking programs that don't teach the foolish "abstinence only" (and the Rude Pundit knows that Daddy's girls ain't been listenin' to the preachin'), the gag rule on pro-choice words that affects international programs on women's health, the vicious and irresponsible cuts in women's health and child care programs, and, aww, fuck, just about everything short of having rape rooms and enforcing burqas.  Yeah, shit, goddamn, when Jenna and Babs sit next to Daddy on the dais and smile and giggle when he introduces one or the other at a speech, say, on sex trafficking (which, by the way, what the fuck?), it's almost as good as watching them finger fuck each other. (Sweet lil' Jenna's gonna teach fouth grade in the fall.  We'd better all hope Daddy never visits the classroom.)

And, oh, sweet blow job images, when Jenna stuck her tongue out at the media, ahh, Christ, he could fondle himself for hours looking at that overprivileged tongue that has only licked the finest cock in the country, that tongue that said, "This is all just a fuckin' game," that little sneer that said, "You can't fuckin' touch me," that face that said everything you need to know about this family, the father,  the daughter.

Yeah, and at night, after a hard day of campaignin', Daddy, martini glass of tonic water in his hand, can turn on the Fox News and watch video of his little girls talkin' about how much they love their Daddy, and, like so many men in America, he can stick his hand in his unzipped pants and think, "And Daddy loves his little girls, oh, how Daddy loves his little girls."