Thursday, April 15, 2004

Your Conservatives - Oh, So Fucking Funny:

Example #1:

Why Ann Coulter Is Still a Cunt, Part 8 of an Endless Series:

Because in her latest "column," she accurately quotes John Lehman of the 9/11 Commission -- "It was the policy (before 9-11) and I believe remains the policy today to fine airlines if they have more than two young Arab males in secondary questioning because that's discriminatory"-- and then pretends as if the word "secondary" doesn't even exist, using the line to rail against the "liberal" media for not reporting this "startling" revelation. Like every NRA member who subsitutes a large pistol for his tiny dick and ignores the whole "well-regulated militia" part of the Second Amendment, Coulter, a creature who gets more vile and disgusting as she begins to head down the long road of the ravages of aging and too-much plastic surgery until she's shunned by those who finally can no longer be mesmerized by her long legs and perky titties, seems to believe that indefinite detention of Arabs at airports is a good thing. Lehman fucking said "secondary," goddamnit. That seems to indicate some "primary" questioning occurred, questioning that, one assumes doesn't fall under any rules of discrimination (even though, of course, it is regularly abusive). The Rude Pundit won't justify the rest of Coulter's column, which is an attack on commission member Jamie Gorelick for having written a memo that, in 1995, advocated a policy of separating counterintelligence and criminal investigations. Coulter, who uses her PDA to schedule which Republican cock she's going to suck each 15 minutes of the day, rails against Gorelick while Dick Cheney's Halliburton salary gets no play at all. Cunt.

Example #2--

Why Bill O'Reilly Should Be Sodomized With a Microphone, Part 9 of an Endless Series:

Because he's charging up to $250 to see him speak at the arena-sized Office Depot Center, and he's calling it a "small, intimate theater setting" when the cheap seats are "upper level" for $46.50. And that's so fucking pathetically ballsy that he deserves to be thrown to the poor of Levittown to be divided for meat grilled over open flames from garbage barrels.

Example #3 --

You haven't lived until you've heard Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonse Jackson read Green Eggs and Ham.